As president, you lead and motivate your club, engage and inspire members, and promote Rotary in your community.

 What you do

· Preside over club and board meetings

· Appoint committee chairs and members

· Set goals for each committee.  Encourage communication between club and district committees.  Review activities, goals, and expenditures and participate in decisions

· Involve members in carrying out your club’s goals outlined in Rotary Club Central

· Conduct club assemblies

· Create a budget and manage club finances, including an annual audit

· Develop a safe environment for youth participants

· Work with your district governor and assistant governor



As president-elect, you work closely with the current president and other board members to support club meetings, functions, and activities.

 What you do

· Learn about your Rotary club and Rotary International

· Work with the current president, president nominee (if applicable) and immediate past president to develop fluid leadership practices

·  Review activities, goals, and expenditures and participate in decisions

· Involve members in carrying out your club’s goals outlined in Rotary Club Central



As club secretary you help your club run smoothly and effectively.  You also monitor club trends to help identify strengths and areas for improvement, and share this information with club and district leaders.

What you do

· Maintain membership records.  Your club invoice is based on the number of members in Rotary’s database for your club as of 1 July and 1 January.

· Record attendance at meetings and report monthly attendance figures to the district governor via the District and Club Database

· Maintain minutes of club, board, and committee meetings


As club treasurer you play an important role in your club’s ability to carry out service projects, fundraise, and support the Rotary Foundation.

 What you do

· Maintain accurate club financial records

· Make sure that the club follows its budget

· Develop a budget for next year

· Give monthly reports and financial updates to your club’s board

· Have your club’s financial activity reviewed by a qualified accountant who is not affiliated with your club

· Collect and submit dues and fees

· Report on the state of your club’s finances

· Work with The Rotary Foundation to make contributions and manage events

· Distribute and manage club invoices

· Collect dues and use them to pay fees



The function of the sergeant-at-arms is to help maintain an orderly, dignified and effective Rotary club meeting.

What you do

· Arrive at meetings a little early to help set out name badges and set up laptop/projector if necessary

· Greet members and guests as they arrive at meetings

· Sell tickets to members as they arrive

· Be sure that all members are wearing the name badges and return the badges at the end of the meeting (if not, fine them!)

· Facilitate the sharing of good news and bad news

· Develop a “List of Crimes” for fun meeting fines

· Call attention, in a humorous way, to members who arrive late

· Draw the winning raffle ticket and allow member to draw card from deck for chance to win large pot



As Rotary Foundation chair, you inspire your club to give to the Foundation and participate in its activities.

 What you do

· Promote Foundation grants and activities

· Inspire members to give to The Rotary Foundation

· Conduct inspirational Foundation-focused club programs

· Facilitate donor recognition for financial contributions or commitments for future contributions



As the public relations chair, you make sure your club gets credit for the good it does in your community.

What you do

· Create awareness of club activities and project among club members, media, and the community

· Support the work of the membership committee

· Learn key points for talking about Rotary and use them when speaking in public

· Use social media to promote awareness of Rotary and your club in the community

· Make sure your club’s image is in line with Rotary’s public image

· Share your club’s Rotary stories with the local media